District 4

Shuriken Shannon

“We want to create better surroundings for us and our youth in this world and industries, to not have inequalities based on our skin color. As I and many other people of color have had to be aware of our surroundings at all times as we can be the next victim of racism and police brutality with every breath we take. Skateboarding to us is used as a tool of unity and equality without prejudice. We’re all human beings, and we can come together and stand up for what’s right no matter what color you are. We shouldn’t keep quiet. We will push to continue the change around us, for what I feel is our right to teach and bring knowledge to those with less of an understanding of what the problem is. Keep rolling for yourself. Keep rolling for rights. One love.” —Shuriken Shannon

District 2

Brandon Turner

“The Rolling for Rights movement we are all apart of in San Diego is epic to say the least. I believe we will get our message across as skateboarders representing our city for the Black Lives Matter movement and justice for all. This doesn’t end here… One love.—Brandon Turner

Chula Vista District 3

Tommy Sandoval

“We’ve come together to spread our messages and bring awareness to the issues that have needed attention for far too long: racism, white supremacy, police reform, police brutality, equality, human rights and justice for all! San Diego skateboard community, this is just the beginning, we have a lot of work to do. Let’s educate ourselves on every platform in order to attack the issues at hand and be able to make an effective change that will last for generations to come.” —Tommy Sandoval

District 4

Tyrone Olson

“Skateboarders bring a positive example of unity. Growing up skateboarding I had all different types of friends: Black, White, Mexican, Asian. It didn’t matter because we all had one goal: learn how to skateboard and express ourselves… Skateboarding brings people together.” — Tyrone Olson

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